Did you know that just like we have an inbuilt mechanism in body to deal with stress, tension and trauma?
Just as we have an immune system to deal with unwanted viruses and bacteria we similarly our nervous system has an innate capacity to release shock, overwhelm and tension.
This innate system is in fact observable in all mammals however due to our social conditioning in contemporary society we have lost our ability to access it. Thankfully with a growing awareness of the importance of the mind body connection the natural expression of the nervous system is becoming more valued in the healing process.
TRE or Tension Releasing Exercises utilises a simple set of activating and release positions that engage neurogenic tremors. Safely invoking the tremors and allowing their release helps the nervous system to return to a state of calm and well being.
The benefits of TRE are numerous:

  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced levels of stress and anxiety
  • Less tendency towards irritability, control or anger
  • Enhanced focus and concentration
  • Greater resilience
  • Process and integrate traumatic experiences
  • Healthy self regulation
  • Expanded self awareness, self worth and self compassion
  • More energy and vitality
  • Increased happiness, fulfillment and freedom

The power of the modality is that while you are in conscious control and awareness of the release it bypasses the conscious mind. In this way we do not need to make any intellectual, psychological or emotional connection to a specific event. In fact, when stress or trauma are experienced, the information is stored as sensory fragments making it difficult if not impossible to make conscious sense of what has happened to us in this state of disorganisation. The tremoring process facilitates the expression and reorganisation of these sensory bits of information allowing them to be reorganised and reintegrated without any need for conscious processing. In the event that a memory or experience arises that you do wish to discuss I am easily able to integrate TRE with Counselling on an as needed basis.
Who can benefit from TRE?

  • Anyone with chronic physical pain
  • People struggling with mental health concerns including; anxiety, depression, panic attacks, PTSD, phobias, post natal depression and stress
  • First responders such as paramedics, police, defence and social workers
  • Anyone going through a tough time such as; grief, relationship breakdown, illness, addiction, sudden change, infertility or loss
  • Individuals of all ages, backgrounds and levels of fitness
  • People who wish to enhance their capacity for love, awareness, happiness and success

Often we recreate old challenges simply because the sensory fragments from overwhelming experiences in the past have become reactivated. This is beyond our conscious control and is the key reason why people who have sought psychological help through talk therapy to deal with their painful past cannot find reprieve.
Whilst there is absolutely a place for consciously acknowledging the experiences that have shaped us, ultimately it is our subconscious drivers held in the nervous system that often determine our responses. Likewise there are experiences that happen to us either pre-verbally or are so traumatic that our minds have rightfully protected us from their recall.
The beauty of TRE is that you don’t need to directly access any particular event. You simply engage the body’s natural neurogenic tremors to release tension or trauma held in the nervous system.  With regular practice people report that desired changes have occurred naturally and without rigorous effort.mala-beads-688163_1920
Whilst TRE is still a relatively unknown means to release stress, tension and trauma it is growing in popularity around the world. I mostly find that when people come to see me for TRE it is usually because they have tried everything else and have had limited progress. With regular practice over the coming weeks issues that have plagued them for months or even years start to melt away, things start to fall into place and they are able to start engaging in life in ways they had hoped for.
If you are interested in finding out more about TRE Australia click here or watch the video below from the founder of TRE David Bercelli.

TRE has been one of the most profound tools that I have personally and professionally used to support people to a greater level of personal expansion and success. It helps to release old patterns of stress, unhelpful coping strategies and outmoded ways of being.
If you have any further questions or wish to book a session you may contact me on 0419 101 665 or email me at emiline@thenurturefoundation.com
Emiline Duncan smile q


Supporting you to live your best life and be your best self
